Benefits Of A Positive Attitude On Aging-Tips for Seniors in Maryland

Have you ever noticed how positive people exude a warm and inviting presence? They tend to radiate and emanate a healthy aura. That healthy demeanor is both external and internal. There is the manta saying “happy mind happy life”. What a person thinks in their head has a direct impact on their body and their life. It may be tough to maintain a positive attitude in life these days. We are still dealing with the aftermath of the Covid pandemic, and many people are still dealing with the social and economical consequences.

However, it is essential to know that having a great attitude may have a positive influence on our overall well-being. Having a positive attitude is worth the effort! What really is optimism? According to experts at Boston University School of Medicine, it is “a widespread expectancy that positive things will happen, or feeling that the future will be favorable because we have influence over crucial events.”

Benefits of a Positive Attitude 

Several studies suggest that having a positive attitude has many benefits:

  • People who are optimistic are more likely to engage in healthy activities such as eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and refraining from substance abuse.
  • Optimistic people are more likely to have a social network, which is essential for both mental and physical health.
  • Lifespan is associated with optimism. According to the Boston University scientists, those who have a cheerful attitude are more likely to survive to the age of 85 or beyond.
  • Optimism helps us reduce our stress levels by lowering the levels of toxic chemicals that cause inflammation.
  • Optimists are more likely to recover well from sickness, accident, or surgery.

5 Ways to Have a More Positive Attitude 

So, how do we build a more positive attitude toward aging?

Aging specialists and studies believe that the following lifestyle factors can help improve your attitude about aging and improve your quality of life. It’s never too late to start integrating these habits into your everyday routine.

1. Maintain physical activity– Physical activity and exercise are extremely good to both our physical and emotional wellbeing. Daily moderate exercise is a good strategy to relieve stress, maintain a healthy weight, strengthen aging bones, and improve attitude. According to aging experts, a daily walking and strength training regimen is a perfect approach for many older Americans to maintain their health and sense of well-being. Consult your doctor before beginning an exercise regimen.

2. Reduce your stress — While it is nearly impossible to control extra stress and bad experiences as we age, there are a variety of beneficial techniques to reduce and manage it. Different strategies work for different people, however, many people have found that meditation, yoga, tai chi, walking, prayer, and deep breathing exercises are beneficial. Because stress may be harmful to both the mind and the body, it is key to discover a stress-reduction plan that works for you.

3. Engage in purposeful activities – According to aging experts, having a purpose in life and a reason to wake up every morning is important to your view on life. Consider what gives your life meaning and purpose, and make them a personal priority. Many senior Americans find joy and personal fulfillment in pursuing a particular activity or giving of themselves to others via volunteer work. Researchers claim that volunteering at a local hospital, animal shelter, or long-term care community can boost self-esteem and mental well-being.

4. Maintain brain activity – Maintaining a healthy, active brain is another important aspect of emotional health and well-being as we age, and it has also been related to the prevention or delay of dementia. Crossword puzzles, board games, reading, learning a second language, drawing, listening to classical music, and acquiring new talents are all thought to be beneficial to brain health. Many elderly Americans are now attending classes at a local institution as well as online courses to keep their minds active.

5. Be socially engaged- Maintaining current social ties and making new ones is also thought to be important for our physical and mental wellbeing as we age. According to Dr. Paul Nussbaum, clinical neuropsychologist and author of “Your Brain Healthy Lifestyle,” it is important for all older Americans to stay connected to their communities, establish an expanding network of family and friends, and be actively involved in life.

Thrive USA Homecare can help! 

Above all, freedom is essential for developing and sustaining a good attitude about aging. Our Thrive USA Homecare Personal Care Coaches will work to encourage your loved ones and ensure that they move toward their objectives by providing a comprehensive range of services. Contact us today to learn more about our services and to set up a free consultation.

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