Archive for the ‘Caregiving’ Category

3 Reasons to Have Long-Term Care Insurance

Few people think to plan ahead for long-term care. However, careful planning can help to combat many of the complications that arise upon choosing professional care for yourself or a loved one – including high costs. One of the most important things to consider investing in for that planning is long-term care insurance. This type of insurance can help you afford the care your family needs. A few other benefits of getting long-term care insurance include: Opening the Door to More Quality Care Options Far too many seniors and their families have their options for care limited by their budgets….

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November is National Home Care and Family Caregivers Month

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During November, Americans remember all that we have to be thankful for. For many seniors, the family caregiver is high on this list. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why November has been set aside as National Home Care and Family Caregivers Month.  There are so many reasons to be thankful for what caregivers do. Many have jobs outside the home, or other familial commitments, yet give of themselves and their time and love every day to ensure that their senior loved one is well cared for.  Thanking Those Who are Often Left Thankless Caring for an aging loved…

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Holiday Travel – Ways to Make Flying Stress-Free and Safe

There’s nothing like seeing your family and friends during the holidays. However, flying can be riskier for seniors – especially during the busy holiday season. To be safer and leave stress at home, use these fall and winter travel tips: Catch Up with Your Primary Care Doctor The holidays are all about catching up with loved ones, but one person many seniors don’t take time to catch up with is their doctor. However, if you are planning to travel, visiting your doctor beforehand is a good idea. Get necessary vaccinations, a check-up, and advice on safe travel from your provider…

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Autumn Saftey Checklist for Seniors

Safety is a priority for seniors during the entire year. With new challenges presented as the body ages, it is important to be aware of limitations and to take precautions to stay safe and well.  While autumn is a cozy time of celebration for most, it can also be a risky time for seniors who have not taken these precautions. Here are a few ways to remain active and stay safe this fall: Have Maintenance Work Performed Whether it’s checking on your heating system before you truly need it or changing batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, the…

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What Senior Women Should Know About Breast Cancer 

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. While most people know that breast cancer is a disease that impacts older women far more than younger, the actual numbers behind the statistics are alarming. For every 100,000 women, just over 80 were diagnosed with breast cancer under the age of 65. In that same number, over 400 were diagnosed with the disease after turning 65.  This month is a perfect time for older women to learn more about breast cancer – and to take more meaningful steps toward prevention and care.  Know the Facts Knowing the truth about breast cancer can help…

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Recognize World Alzheimer’s Month this September

September is World Alzheimer’s Month. 2019 marks the eighth year of the campaign, originally organized in 2012 by Alzheimer’s Disease International. The campaign was originally designed to raise awareness of dementia around the world and help combat the stigma still attached to the disease in its various forms in many areas.  Today, friends and loved ones of those who are coping with Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia use the month to hold fundraisers and benefits, recognize the work of those leading the way in the field of Alzheimer’s research, and thank caregivers for their service in help families liver…

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Preserving a Generation’s Greatness on Senior Citizen’s Day

August 21st is National Senior Citizen’s Day! Originally established in 1988 by then-President Ronald Reagan, the day was created as a way to celebrate the unique perspective, wisdom, and accomplishments of the senior generations. While this sounds like a noble idea, many people struggle with the concept of how to celebrate the seniors in their life.  Here at Thrive USA Home Care Services, we have gathered a few great ideas for giving the individuals  you love a great day or paying homage to those you most respect: Make a Memory That Will Last One of the reasons for setting aside…

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4 Summer Travel Tips for Caregivers

Its June and summer is here! The longing for a holiday is in the air for many caregivers. However, the thought of taking time off can deter the 40+ million family caregivers who support and aid a loved one with everyday needs.  Take a deep breath and remember balance is important for maintaining the health of the caregiver and the caregiver’s well-being. Thrive USA Home Care helps make it possible to go on a summer vacation, attend a special family event, or whatever your potential plans are. We work with many families who take a smooth holiday vacation, even traveling…

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5 Reasons for Respite Care: Important Benefits for Caregivers

Providing care for a senior loved one allows caregivers to bond and build lasting memories. While caring for a loved one is honorable and often rewarding, few people realize the physical and emotional tolls caregivers endure. There are many reasons to ask for help when it comes to respite care. Here are a few to consider: Renew Your Energy You can drain your energy very quickly if you do the same things over and over again and there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. You need to be able to calm your nerves, improve your mood, and renew your…

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