Posts Tagged ‘Baltimore’
6 Signs Your Loved May Need Assistance
If your aging parent, spouse, or loved one is happy living independently in their home there will likely come a time when they will need some extra assistance in order to manage daily tasks and chores. Is your aging loved one slowing down? If so, it may be time to consider in-home care. Senior in-home care services are designed to improve the quality of life, safety, and overall happiness of the elderly. These services are often tailored to the unique needs of the individual and their level of mobility and independence. Watch out for these six signs your parent needs…
6 Things to Know When Becoming a Caregiver why Thrive USA Should be your Home
Home care is a service that allows people to receive the care they require in the comfort of their own homes. For many seniors, this service is life-changing; having the assistance of a home caregiver allows them to stay in their own environment rather than going to an unfamiliar nursing home. For those who choose to work as home caregivers, home care services may be life-changing. What is the role of a home caregiver? The quick answer is that there are a lot of things. A home caregiver has a significant impact on the lives of their clients and their…
6 Tips for Helping Older Adults Overcome Challenges to Eating Healthy
As people grow older, their tastes change, which typically leads to a decrease in appetite. Other variables linked with the aging process may also make it difficult for seniors to satisfy their nutritional needs, thus increasing their risk of developing nutritional deficiencies and weakness. Fortunately, the following suggestions may help your senior loved one in overcoming the challenges of eating well. Eat Smaller Meals Instead of serving three large meals a day, provide smaller, more frequent meals to ensure your loved one does not become too full and disinterested in eating the subsequent meal. Make sure the smaller meals are…
6 Tips for Medication Management for Older Adults
You may have heard about the importance of medication management if you take care of an aging loved one or if you are getting older yourself.
9 Benefits Of Hiring A Caregiver For In-Home Help
Do you find yourself wondering if hiring a caregiver for in-home care is the best decision for your loved ones? You may have observed your parents’ age catching up with them as they get older. Perhaps your mom used to clean the house consistently but now finds it difficult to keep up with everyday tasks and chores. Perhaps your father has a habit of forgetting to turn off lights, turn off the oven, or even pay bills. Although these indicators are worrisome, they may not necessarily mean that your parents should be moved into an assisted living facility. Instead,…
5 Cognition-Enhancing Activities for Stroke Recovery
Strokes can affect sensory, motor, and cognitive impairment in older adults. These problems, if left untreated, may impair one’s ability to think, communicate, move, and perform other daily tasks.
Better Aging- The Importance of Social Engagement
Everyone needs social engagement and engagement; for many people, this comes naturally in their youth. The relationships we create with people and the connections we form with them over time have a significant impact on our mental health. Because seniors frequently live alone, they miss out on the opportunity to develop meaningful connections with others, which can contribute to a deterioration in both mental and physical health. Furthermore, the COVID 19 Pandemic has caused seniors to remain at home for extended lengths of time. As a result, they have been unable to maintain their usual schedule, increasing the risk of…
8 Ways to Boost Brain Health & Improve Memory
As we age, it is important to take care of both our brains and our bodies. Though the majority of seniors have good mental health, many of them are at risk of developing neurological and mental health disorders, including dementia and depression. The good news is that regardless of your age, there are proactive steps you can take to keep your brain healthy and reduce your risk of developing dementia, depression, or other mental conditions. Here are eight ways you can keep up your mental fitness: Download the infographic here: With the team at Thrive USA Homecare, we can provide…
Understanding VA Benefits for Homecare
Many individuals are aware that the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides comprehensive health care benefits to veterans (VHA). But did you know that in-home care is included in this basic medical coverage package? Continue reading to learn how veterans and their caregivers may benefit from the VA’s homemaker and home health aide program. With our Veteran home care services, Thrive USA Home Care can assist older adults who are US Veterans in Frederick, Montgomery, Carroll, Howard, and Baltimore Counties and the surrounding areas. Any Veteran that can receive VA health care services can qualify for the Care…
5 Steps to Help Manage Arthritis
It might be difficult to perform daily tasks when you have arthritis. It can even be tough to work, participate in activities, and spend time with loved ones and friends while you are suffering from chronic pain or feeling out of control of your body. Learning how to manage your arthritis properly can benefit you physically, emotionally, and financially. While treatment plans differ from one patient to the next, there are certain lifestyle changes you can do to help you manage your arthritis better. Utilize Programs The Arthritis Foundation’s mission is to advance “research, advocacy, and disease management support” to…