Posts Tagged ‘homecare’

6 Tips for Medication Management for Older Adults

You may have heard about the importance of medication management if you take care of an aging loved one or if you are getting older yourself.

6 Tips To Help With Holiday Stress

When it comes to holiday preparation, stress almost always seems to go hand in hand with the celebrations. The extra financial strain of shopping for gifts, as well as the anxiety of seeing challenging family members, (and everything in between), may make this time of year stressful. But it doesn’t have to be that way.  Set yourself up for success with these 6 tips to help you get organized, plan ahead, and remember that the holidays are all about the people you spend them with. Plan Ahead and Make a To-Do List  Last-minute arrangements, changes in travel, and a never-ending…

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4 Ways to Prevent a Stroke and How to Act FAST

With approximately 800,000 Americans having a stroke each year, it’s no surprise that stroke is the fifth-leading cause of death in the United States. To put this into perspective, someone in the United States gets a stroke every 40 seconds, and someone dies from a stroke every 4 minutes. You can’t turn back the clock or change your family history, but you can control many other stroke risk factors if you’re aware of them. Power comes from knowledge. If you are aware that a particular risk factor is jeopardizing your health and exposing you to a higher risk of stroke,…

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10 Ways to Honor a Veteran on Veterans Day

By serving in the military and fighting for our freedom, veterans have sworn their allegiance to our nation.

9 Benefits Of Hiring A Caregiver For In-Home Help

Do you find yourself wondering if hiring a caregiver for in-home care is the best decision for your loved ones?   You may have observed your parents’ age catching up with them as they get older.  Perhaps your mom used to clean the house consistently but now finds it difficult to keep up with everyday tasks and chores. Perhaps your father has a habit of forgetting to turn off lights, turn off the oven, or even pay bills. Although these indicators are worrisome, they may not necessarily mean that your parents should be moved into an assisted living facility. Instead,…

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5 Cognition-Enhancing Activities for Stroke Recovery

Strokes can affect sensory, motor, and cognitive impairment in older adults. These problems, if left untreated, may impair one’s ability to think, communicate, move, and perform other daily tasks.

7 Must-Have Home Modifications for Seniors Aging in Place

Some of the modifications that assist seniors in avoiding falls and other situations that jeopardize their safety are low-cost or easy do-it-yourself tasks. Changing some features of your house to make some everyday activities easier will help seniors keep their independence for a longer period of time. Here are a few of the most typical house modifications for those who want to age in place.

5 Steps to Help Manage Arthritis

It might be difficult to perform daily tasks when you have arthritis. It can even be tough to work, participate in activities, and spend time with loved ones and friends while you are suffering from chronic pain or feeling out of control of your body. Learning how to manage your arthritis properly can benefit you physically, emotionally, and financially. While treatment plans differ from one patient to the next, there are certain lifestyle changes you can do to help you manage your arthritis better. Utilize Programs  The Arthritis Foundation’s mission is to advance “research, advocacy, and disease management support” to…

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5 Steps To Finding Trust Worthy In-Home Care

Finding a trustworthy home health aide can be challenging and expensive. However, with the proper assistance, it is well worth every penny invested to guarantee that your loved one receives the best care possible – every day. Many seniors remain in assisted living communities, while others live on their own in their homes. Aging and sickness can cause people to become more reliant on others. If in-home nursing is something you’re interested in, you’ll need to find a provider you can depend on. This will undoubtedly require time and effort. However, it will be well worth it when you have…

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